Workforce Development Board
Workforce Development Board
Workforce Development Boards are established under the Workforce Innovations and Opportunities Act (WIOA) of 2014. This federal law aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the workforce development system by creating a more integrated and locally responsive approach, with the WDBs playing a central role in achieving these objectives.
The Northern Tier WDB is responsible for oversight, coordination and the strategic direction of workforce development programs and initiatives in the Northern Tier region which includes Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga and Wyoming counties. The Northern Tier WDB plays a crucial role in connecting business, education and individuals to foster and promote a skilled, competitive workforce that can meet the demands of the job market.
Mission & Vision
The mission of the NTWDB is to provide a responsive and innovative leadership that meets the current and future needs of employers and jobseekers.
The vision of the Northern Tier WDB is the local area will be a destination of choice for employers and job seekers where existing businesses experience growth and where new businesses are eager to locate because of the employment opportunities, economic vitality, quality of life and presence of a skilled workforce.
Current goals of the Northern Tier WDB include:
- Partner with secondary schools to enhance the youth talent pipeline and increase work-based opportunities for our youth
- Engage industry sectors to address recruitment, retention and training needs and develop career pathways
- Strengthen relationships with economic development and education to offer a seamless, integrated network of support to regional businesses
- Enhance customer-focused services to priority populations through our PA CareerLink® centers
- Work with partners to increase and promote training opportunities that include pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship models, credential attainment and increase digital literacy
The Northern Tier WDB is made up of members comprised of private sector, organized labor, education, government, economic and community development representatives. WDB members are appointed by the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs). The CLEOs include one county commissioner from each of the five counties.
WDB Members
Krystle Bristol
Solid Ground Services, Inc.
Johnathan Benjamin
Nancy Fowler
Hybrid Hiring Solutions
Rosemary Franssen
Golis Machine
Brad Georgetti
Deer Park Lumber
Rachel Hauser
Tri-County Rural Electric
Jonah Howe
Chesapeake Energy
Brad Hummel
IBEW Local #81
Scranton Electricians JATC
Bruce Jones
PA Department of Labor & Industry
Jason Krise
First Energy
Tammi Mowry
Bradford County Action
Heather Nelson
PA Department of Labor & Industry
James Nobles
North Penn Comprehensive Health Services
Diana Petlock
B&K Equipment and Crance Service, LLC
Jill Payne
Adam & Associates
Red Rock Job Corp
Christopher Roenning
Sullivan County Planning
Kelly White
Lackawanna College
Michael Wilson
AFSCME Local 2363
Standing Committees
Youth Committee
Comprised of a WDB member, who acts as chair, members of community-based organizations and other individuals with expertise and a record of success in serving the young adult population. This committee provides oversight for the Young Adult program; recommending policy, eligible youth providers and relevant information to effectively serve local youth.
Fiscal Committee
The Budget Committee of NTRPDC’s Executive Committee is tasked with fiscal and budgetary responsibilities for the NT WDB. The committee is responsible to review, make recommendations and propose fiscal and budgetary items to the NTRPDC Executive Committee for final approval as necessary. Members of the committee are the CLEOs serving as officers of the NTRPDC Executive Committee.
PA CareerLink® Committee
Provides information and assists with operational and other issues relating to the one-stop delivery system. Oversight and recommendations to the NT WDB include review of PA CareerLink® certification and performance strategies for continuous improvement of overall program services.
Local Management Committee
Membership is comprised of a representative from each local County Assistance Office along with EARN/SNAP service providers and other interested stakeholders designated by the Department of Human Services (DHS). The committee brings together local expertise in serving TANF & SNAP participants to deliver employment and training services resulting in positive program outcomes in alignment with local workforce system resources.
WDB Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Meeting Dates
January 29, 2025
May 14, 2025
August 6, 2025
November 5, 2025