Public Records

Public Notices & Records

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Open Records Policy

At the Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission, we are fully committed to transparency and accessibility of public information. Our Open Records Policy reflects our dedication to providing the public with easy access to records and documents in accordance with state laws and regulations. 

For further information, please visit the links below or contact NTRPDC’s Right-To-Know Officer, Amy Benajmin.

Equal Opportunity

Affirmative Action Program

NTRPDC has named Melissa Fleming, Workforce Director, as the Equal Opportunity Officer for the agency.  A grievance process has been developed. 

Grievance procedures give the public the means to resolve any Equal Opportunity complaints while applying for or participating in any of the NTRPDC’s programs.

Grievance Procedures:

Anyone receiving services or attempting to receive services from NTRPDC has the right to file a grievance.  However, grievances have to be written and must allege a violation of federal and/or state equal opportunity laws.  

  1. The aggrieved party must notify NTRPDC in writing of the alleged violation within ten working days of the incident.  
  2. Upon receipt of the written grievance, an investigation of the complaint will commence within ten working days.  The parties involved will be interviewed, and, if necessary, within thirty (30) calendar days, arrangements will be made for an informal hearing.  A Hearing Officer will issue a written hearing determination within sixty (60) calendar days of the filing of a complaint, outlining a decision and recommendations.
  3. If unacceptable to one or both parties, the decision may then be appealed to the appropriate federal/state funding source (determined on a case-by-case basis by the program involved).

All complaints will be handled in strict confidence.

NTRPDC will also maintain records of each complaint that identifies each by race, color, sex or national origin; the nature of the complaint; the date of filing and resolution; and disposition.

Financial Records

Stevens Amendment

The Stevens Amendment is an appropriations provision that requires grantees of the Department of Labor (DOL), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Education to disclose for a grant program the percent of the costs financed with federal funds. The purpose is to ensure transparency and accountability in federal spending.

Public Law 101-166, Section 511

  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs are federally supported 100% by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $1,757,653 with $0 (0%) state, local and/or non-governmental funds.
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) programs are federally supported 100% by the U.S. Department of Human Services as part of an award totaling $509,500 with $0 (0%) state, local, and/or non-governmental funds.
  • Discretionary grants are federally supported 100% by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of awards totaling $412,410 with $347,632 (84.29%) state, local and/or non-governmental funds.

Request for Proposals

Coming soon.

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